Napa Valley Wine & Cigar

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Don't know why this came out so heavy... just a pleasant road trip to my favorite cigar store. Smokestack Guitars 3-string, cigar box distortion amp, bronze pipe slide, blah, blah, yak, yak...

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  • Steve, ma man "someone will put to their on music??"!!!". What about Clock? What's wrong with his music. The man is a genius. I genuflect every time ah hear his name.  He is the epitome of "cool".

    BTW, Clock if you are readin this, can ya loan me $50   (LOL LOL)

  • okayladokalay...

  • one day, maybe in 100 years,  someone will put this film to their own music and say "this was what Napa was like 100 years ago before it became a City..." ...hope not, but i'm writing a song about it ! (-:

  • A-Yup Mr BUGSTER!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • 305812670?profile=originalCool stuff Mr Clock

  • thanks much mr phillip!!! Mr jamie!!! Nancy-kat!!!

  •  Embrace------- the Wolfie-----Great energy Meowwwwwgemowwwwwwww!!

  • Heavy and a bottle of bread Clock. But good! Give that man a CI...GAAAARRRR :)

  • More nice crunchy sound for that tune...fiting great... still nice style, Clock...°<[:-) [---]==={...

  • thanks mr wes!

    thanks uncle ... this smokestack cbg has a piezo, it's just installed different---up inside the bridge

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