My Woman Original bluesy love song by John Bolton

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My Woman Original bluesy love song by John Bolton

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  • Thanks, Derek.  Your wife knows you well?!

  • Nice sentiments, Unc. My wife would think I was up to something if she had one written for her ;-)

  • And true at least most of the time, Ambrose.  Thank you, sir.

  • A nice and complimentary song there Uncle J.

  • Just right for a summer lady, Nancy.  Thanks!

  • 2856864158?profile=RESIZE_710xGreat tribute for Linda! Fits you to a T U~John! (new kitten coming soon) Meowww^..^

  • Nicely stated, Richard.  Thanks. 

    That is a good old expression, Denbo.  Thanks to you.

  • Is it me or is this a contrast to Dave’s video Uncle! Flowers used to work for me, but this is special and a bonus, two knees. One of your best Uncle! All this blues songs you been doing about being treated wrong and unfaithfully, or your woman leaving on a train, wrote a love letter realizing what you have and put it it a wonderful song. Heartfelt and proud, excellent! I should try this for my Linda, I’ve picked all the neighbor’s flowers.

  • Thanks, Cindy.  A pretty much true song too.

  • That's real sweet. My have times changed. 

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