My Ruby in the Moonlight

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This song was authored and played using only a 3 string dog-bowl resonator guitar + simple vocal singing in the key of C (which is apparently my best key to sing stuff like this in) no other instruments were used. I added living room sized reverb to it in Audacity to make it sound more natural - and less like I was singing and playing it from inside the microphone...

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  • Thanks Derek and Dave . . . I've come to prefer good old era - "story based" songs.  So far, Unknown Legend, She Rides a Steed of Steel, and My Ruby in the Moonlight are all story based songs with supporting visuals that convey a message to others listening to them ...

  • Sounds a lot like you Derek. You guys are good crooners. Nice visuals George.

  • Good story song George. Nice video too.

  • Thanks Nancy!  I'm glad you liked it . . . :-)

  • 306697274?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024Sweet George... Really nice story put to words! Meoww^..^

  • Thanks StorminSteve . . . I'm already working away on composing another "good old era" styled song involving the topic of traveling down Route 66 to an earlier and more simple time here in America.  It should have a catchy title on it similar to "The Epic Ride", or something like that... :-)

  • Thanks AGP . . . I gotta work on my foot tapping rhythm to better maintain a sense of uniform tempo throughout such songs - my foot taps wanted to follow the emphasized words I used within the song . . . that's why the tempo varied a bit throughout the song, but we all learn from such things so that our future song creation projects will turn out better. . . :-)  

  • "Nicely Done George", my favourite style of Vid, "One Man (or Woman) & One Instrument"  :-)

  • Thanks Uncle John and Jim . . . at 60 years old, I'm also longing for the "good old era" styled music with a morally uplifting story being told within it...  The nicest part is - that we don't need all kinds of instrumental backing track prop-up's to convey a simple timeless/meaningful life-lesson message to others in such songs . . .

  • Well done! 

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