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These are some of my guitars that I built, the music is me and my friend Larry jamming, I'm playing a 1951 NY license plate guitar, one of my favorites . The video was put together by my good friend and blues brother Richard Sundberg, hope you like it.

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  • Nice looking variety of builds.

  • yup

  • Yup, looked like Richard had a hand it the fine show. I'd like to have a longer look but can do on your page DMR. Thanks.
  • Thanks for your encouraging comments, this is sooooo much fun. 3 years ago I didn't even know any of this existed!! What a nice surprise, I will keep building and keep practicing. Rock On!
  • Nice Demo indeed good stuff Man

  • I kind of top loaded my guitar for some reason or another ha! Dennis has some excellent photos that really show off his building talent on his site, correct me if I'm wrong D, DMR Cigar Box Guitars. Jam on fellas!
  • Pretty cool demo of some nice guitars.  Good rocking blues too.   Oh, I recognize Richard's guitar from you now read your description of Richard putting the video together.  Good stuff.

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