My Cigar Box Bass Debut: SOTU 166 - Little Songs - One More Cup of Coffee (Valley Below)

This is the video debut of my first Cigar Box Build. I built it to the scale of a baritone ukulele and used the new Aquila red ukulele bass strings, but I like to call it a "d-Bass" rather than a U-Bass. I'll try to make a video of just the CB Bass as soon as I learn to play it! ;)
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This video is for Season No. 166 of Ukulele Underground's SubForum entitled "Seasons of the Ukulele." This week's theme is: "Little Songs," but the primary f...

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  • very skilful and most enjoyable video. Great skill playing, singing and video production. Loved it. Especially that Baritone Ukulele.

  • I don't see an option to reply to each individual comment, so let me just say to all those that have commented:  Thanks for watching, and I'm (I mean we are) glad you liked it. - d

  • coooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool

  • Nice Video and Performance

  • Good stuff!

  • Nice performance and neat vid.  Man, you guys all look quite a bit a lot. 

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