
Views: 39
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I wrote this in about 1995

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  • Pretty pretty song!! Forgot how nice you sound singing.....Meowww^..^8232970280?profile=RESIZE_710x

  • So reminds me of Francis Dunnery Good life! On first hearing sounds like a love song but in fact is about a break up! Wonderful sound.

  • Thanks, y’all.

    Here’s the stick in action. 


  • I have the same question as Uncle John. Is that a drumstick?

  • Well written song. Nicely performed too.

  • 1995.   That song is nearly 25 years old.  It stands the test of time very well.

  • Truly beautiful.  Nice song, good guitar work, love the vocals.   

    What the heck is that stick coming of the head stock?  It's interesting.

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