Metronome Moments

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Needed adjustments and brass strings, DMR Big Payback 4 string is back! Tuned DADF#.

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  • Thank you Nancy! A howling cat needs feed! Great photo and comments! This was my first CBG, Dennis Reedy built it for me a year ago last March. What a ride, and growing family! A Big Payback, a Swamp Witch, a.Partagus fretless 3 string, a Honey Gold Dog Bowl Resonator, and a one string lap Diddley. Their all spoiled and constantly scream for attention. I googled Mr. Wolfie, probably not this guy! Appreciate the compliment, thanks Nancy!306704702?profile=original

  • 306703196?profile=originalMarvelousssss darling! Beaut of a guit! This piece reminded me of my very talented friend Mr. Wolfie.......Meowww^..^

  • Thanks Dennis! I’m liking open D, probably stick to G when I attempt vocals though. This was kind of a memory video of some of my favorite clips. You  definitely are a big reason I’m addicted to this Dennis! Thanks for getting me started with such a nice guitar, he makes great guitars folks! 

  • An honor to be part of the International Family of Avant-garde music concrete artists A.D! Thank you audiovisual brother! Appreciate it Andries, glad you liked it and thanks always for your input!

  • Thank you Jim! It’s kind of a look back at some of the fun I’ve had here posting videos.

  • Super sound, love the open D.  Thanks for the nice comments  and pictures of the big payback I custom built for you.  Your videos are outstanding and guitar was very smooth. As always great job!

  • Using sounds as instruments is a common feature in avandgarde Music & Music concrete, you are useing  it everytime in your compositions,and you do it in visuals aswell, so that whoed make you a  avandgarde musicconcrete Visual Artist aswell Richard, the International Famely of avandgarde music concrete Artists welcom you in there mids, and say welcom audiovisual Brother thank you for yet a other one of your soundscapes to peace of Mind ! Greeeeettssszz A.D.   

  • Well done Richard. 

  • Dave, the gulls are troublemakers looking for a handout, laughing bunch they are though!  My first CBG, Dennis at DMR CBGs Made this beauty for me. The drawing caught your eye ha! A craftsman artist rascal from Minnesota drew it for me. Thank you Dave!

  • The gulls think It’s hilarious, but I liked it. A beautiful well made guitar. Full rich sound and nice drawing of a slide hand. :*). 

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