Man of Constant Sorrow.wmv

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A man of Constant Sorrow(Being without a swamp to play)

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  • Thanks
  • Keith will try and message yu my email

    James BUGer it up you mean!
  • If not I will acquire some words
    Or write some....
  • im saying BRING ON THE BUG !!! how ever he pleases !!! bug talented !!!

  • Keith have you it in a mp3 if not I will just steal it!!!
    If you plug the headphone socket into your mic
    And play and record it dam works!!
    Quality not as good but will do a rough later!
    James got any words you promised me ages ago?
  • you damn plagerizer, lmao !!!

  • James but are you saying no more to the Bug trilogy!!!
  • Yes I have a blue grass book with vintage words
    And as have never heard them before I just borrow
    The words and see what happens.
    Then I listen to the real one after I have recorded it.
    It's a quick way if getting words to sing with,
    Without doing a cover .... Catchy drift
    See my old music on my page too
    Lots like this...kinda thing....
    Kinda cheating !! But hey
    So much stuff came from 30's blues!!
  • bug, im here again listening to this song , and i have made a discovery for my self, about your music!  this is your thing, taking preexisting songs, you have never heard before, and doing them in your own flavor, thats my opinion any how

  • Keith can I borrow your tune later?
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