Malaguena on electric 3 string cigar box guitar

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Ok, I'm still tryin'. Here's a tune I've played before on youtube but this is the first time I've played it on cigar box guitar. That's quite a stretch for me from the 2nd to the 5th fret on this song and I'm wonderin' if I make my next cbg a shorter scale length would it be easier to play or would that change the sound of the guitar. Things to think about.

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  • Thanks Guys for the encouragement, yes it's a little easier to move around the neck now than it was then. No bemuzic, it's not my tune, as far as I know it's Spanish and a great tune. There are some great videos of that tune on youtube.
  • sounds great! My $.02 - don't worry about the scale. Just play. 20 bucks says you are playing it better now than when you laid down the demo video for us :)
  • very nice! it your own tune? sounds sort of classical
  • Sounds good to me - if you shorten the scale length you will probably have to use a different tuning which will give you a higher pitch - at least that's what I found!
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