A Tour of Maddog's CBG Cabin

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Maddog's (Patrick Mallette's) riverside cabin is a cigar box guitar emporium, workshop, and antique shop. It is a lot of fun to visit. It makes me feel like a kid in a toy store. Even more so on the day of this impromptu video. Justin Johnson's newly released Christmas CD was playing as I made the rounds. Great CD! I am going to order one. Pat (Maddog) is proud that one of his builds is used on the CD.The cabin sits on a high west bank on the Nebraska side of the river. It is just a stones throw from Pat and Janet's steak house, The Driftwood. In the massive flooding of 2011, many area homes and buildings were ruined by the flood waters. Maddog's place was just high enough to escape, yet it is a stones throw to the water.The Missouri River is swift, deep and powerful. Janet and friends catch catfish – large catfish- from the bank or from a boat. Pat is a river man. In his younger days, he made a living commercial fishing the river. Now he is a contractor, restaurant man, antique dealer and cbg man.Pat's cbgs are good players and well crafted. He is primarily a three string builder and player, but there were d-bows and a deuce on hand as well. His antique dealings lead him to some great amp and cbg parts, such as his old drive in movie speaker – amps.Currently, Pat is into fretless and he is using a lot of vintage auto license plates. Most of his guitars on hand were fretted. Unlike most CBGers, he started with frets and now has gone the other direction.Besides guitars and amps, I sampled 2 MojoBone slides, made by artist/CBG man, Randy Bretz. They are light in weight, comfortable on my finger and play very nicely.More on the river. I love looking out on it and across it to God's country, the Iowa side. Wildlife is plentiful. In the few times I have been there, I have seen deer, bald eagles, mallard ducks, coots, not myself and Maddog, but a duck like bird, Canada geese, wrens, juncos, herons, swallows and crows.Pat and some family have seen mountain lions across the river on the Iowa side. I've never seen one, but would like to, from distance. The river valley is flat bottom land. A few miles east, Iowa's Loess Hills jut up abruptly from the plain.Pat is a good guy and welcoming host. If you CBN folks are ever in the eastern Nebraska region, contact him and if you can get there on a Thursday through Sunday evening, I recommend you order a a ribeye steak at the Driftwood.

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  • Thanks Andries! Hopefully you are in our neck of the woods and you can pay us a visit someday!

  • Some place to visit !! yea's sir reee!! ,if i am ever up there  again, il sure try and visit thanks for the Kind invite!! john and Pat !!thanks for that video info UJ !i  allready loved his missouri River Pictures!and his LPG's !!

  • Y'all are welcome here anytime Vinnie!

  • Thanks, Vinnie! 

  • just superbUnca John...thanx for the glimpse in the Maddog lab...its way cool .Maybe we will get there someday

  • Thanks Turtle! It would be awesome to have ya'll pay a visit sometime, the door is always open :-)

  • Thanks James! Come on up, love to meet ya! :-)

  • Man that a nice guitar shop with lots great looking guitars. Maybe I"ll get to visit one day thanks for the tour Uncle John. You got a really Nice place their Magdog.

  • You can drive that in one shot Clock, a lil Red Bull and about 24 Padrons and you're here my Friend!

    Cool Vid and awesome song, LOVED IT!!!

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