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Look out the Ruskys are coming!

Views: 104
Look out... they copied your Rockets... they too flew to the Moon to borrow your flag, and now .....They have invented a 3 string, a cross betwen a cigarbox guitar and a toblerone!Look out the Ruskys are coming!!

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  • The Ruskys are already here...! (-;

    nicely played mr.'bug!

  • nice playing bug!!!

  • Top tune that!

  • mmm toblerone!!...nice playing : -)

  • Berlin Wall Blues?   Look out Rooskies,  Bug is coming.  

    That triangular 3 string beast sounds good. 

  • ah zank yo mr  K A... you are zelcome....zis iz the start of a zong idea ...I need to learn z dance too...

    z tank.. iz also on order....zee below my friend are already having them..

  • замечательный (zamečátel'nyj). remarkable, outstanding, marvellous, wonderful · notable. [edit] Declension. declension of замечательный ...

  • 305781044?profile=originalMany tanks for your coment!

  • ah that how do you ask for a new set of Balaliki strings in Russian?.....

    ..many tanks!

  •    замечательный...

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