Leaving Woman A D Eker EP record ecserpt SJP;1980 digital rereleaseSJP;2020
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Henfrix sounding whats not to like! Fun to see Meowwww^..^
I was wondering John was you ever able to play the record i send you ? or was this the first time you heard it , you probebly thougt it was a 45 rpm single! im glad i did ,now i know you heard it correctly! thanks for the reply ! greeeettsszz A.D.
Andries it was good to hear this one from your young dude days. Thanks for digging it out and posting it.
Thanks "DEnnis" Yup Eker tone "80 style , its done on my Red Futura semi hollow Body on my Page.
Yup the scratchy part Danny is that it is from a Ep record EP is ecstended Play a 45 record played on 33 rpm .
Thanks Poorness thats about the right qualification from the time period !
Thank you Derek Funksdelic realy !! wauww
Hi Dave !thats me 1970 in some back alley ,for the tune that was all i had at my disposel at the time, make deu whit what you got ,
Thanks UJ ,its tobad its not clearer like i hoped ,better stick to the new stuff in sted of dragging old cows from a ditch!