“Leave It There” homemade resonator guitar

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I made the cone out of an old “no fishing” sign. I peened the cover out of an old frypan lid.I hope you enjoy it!

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  • Thanks A.D.! I’ll make another one if I can find another nice old sign.
  • it looks and sounds realy fine Lappy did you make just a "One" or do you plan on making more?

  • Thanks Danny!
  • great vdeo love the sound of that resonator

  • Thanks A.D.! Merry Christmas!
  • Homemade Delight Lappy ! exelent !10906222284?profile=RESIZE_710x     Ton's of Work for Ton's of Joy !

  • Many thanks to AGP, BrianQ and Uncle John for your kind comments. Wishing you all a merry Christmas!
  • A fine high quality Guitar Lappy, love the Timber used, and the use of a stain?, to high light the grain. :-)

  • I'm back again, Lappy.  I really like the song and the way you presented it with your twin on the left and you on the right.  The song sounded very familiar, but it took me a while to place it.   I looked it up and it was written by Charles Albert Tindley, circa 1906.   

    I think that Hank Williams was probably influenced by this tune when he wrote his Gospel son, 'Calling You'.  It is not the same, but similar.  

    Interesting on the 'Jack-:Leg' preacher Phillips too.  I thought at first you were speaking of Utah Phillips, but apparently not.  Good bible verses that correlated to the song. Nice witness.  I sure wish you and I lived close by each other - I would like to try playing some old timey and Gospel with you,.   Thanks, happy Christmas season and God bless.

  • Lovely song and instrument,.  You are a true luthier and great old timey performer.  

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