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keep your head on!!!!!!

Views: 109
The Sticky Pickup GuitarWith a bit of animation I did when I was younger!Written for people who are having a bad time and need a little smile in their life.Lighten up, but keep your head on!

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  • This Is Rockin' Bug.!!

  • Your doing cool Ted... rock the house!

  • This Is cool vid..sounds great Bug... you sound a lot like Steve Miller...I mean that in a Good way!!.. yeah man, I need a little smile, about now :) 

  • Oops never said thanks ...sorry
  • Excellent, and very creative.

  • Nice. I like the fat overdrive. You a Funky Monkey! Enjoy.

  • this is great!! both the music and the animation. That must've taken AGES to do!! Who's doing the drums?

  • Great track with an amazing groove,and wicked animation to boot,great stuff.

  • I can identify with the man of clay.  Fun stuff. 

  •    But now I'm going to have freakout nightmares about being attacked by tiny shapeshifting clay beasties!!!

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