Justin Johnson - Wade in the Water

Justin Johnson playing one of my builds at Get Rooted! last Saturday.
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Justin Johnson - Wade in the Water Live @ Get Rooted! Festival, Royal Mail Hotel, Brisbane Australia Album - Smoke & Mirrors http://www.justinjohnsonlive.com...

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  • Thanks guys. Have the album. Justin and Nikki stayed at my place. Really lovely folks. My oar was made especially for the gig. Here is a closer look at it. I made it as an hommage to the addage 'there is nothing that cannot be fixed with duct tape and cable ties"


  • Love it Penny!!!

    Like Twang said, get the new Smoke and Mirrors double CD set, amazing package with the included booklets detailing how it was made! BEST CD in my collection.....Period!

  • How cool is it, to hear Justin play something you build.

  • Great performance! (Also a charming instrument!!)

    19th-century "primal lutherie" meets 21st century digital tech with a tasteful balance between the two.

    If you don't have his "Smoke & Mirrors" album, find $25 and buy a copy. The "Mirrors" half of the album is a study in using modern electronics to get at the essence of the primitive instruments.

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