Jumper on the Line (RL Burnside cover) by Shane Speal - cigar box mandolin by CrocBite

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Shane plays his new cigar box mandolin by Harry Harne of Crocbite Guitars (find 'em on here at Cigar Box Nation)

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  • Back again.   Man, always respected you for a lot of things.   Lately, you sound is growing on me like a fine embrace.

  • lovin that tone, nice stuff

  • From the gut, heart felt blues. Interesting sound from that mandolin. Wonder if the neck and frets are standard as well as the strings?

  • GREAT...nothing else to say after looking at that video...

    ...voice, rhythm, mandolin, sound, tone...all is nice...

    ...°<[:-) [---]==={...

  • Thanks for all the comments.  Yeah, tuning the mandolin to an open chord really made it come alive for me. 

    Harry really makes a solid instrument.  This thing will last forever.

  • Awesome job Shane and a great mando too!

  • Very cool!!!!

  • Sounds great Shane I have a Uke on the bench that will take all year then it a Mando or a Bass.

  • yum yum  stuff shane  ;-) 

  • Nice mando and great blues.  I have a self made 4 string mando that had disappointed me.   I suspect you are in an open tuning,  here.   I looked up open  mando tunings and treid GDgd.   Hey, that made the mando sound better. 

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