Jose Cuervo | Shelly West cover on 4-string CBG

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This is a fun song for a Sunday morning. He's a cover of Shelly West's 1983 country hit, Jose Cuervo. It's a song about drinking too much tequila on a Saturday night. It has a key change from C to D which is always challenging for me. Happy Sunday everyone!

See more CBG Covers here:

And more Sunday Songs here:

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  • Yeah. Apparently Ning is having an upgrade again. I appreciate you tuning in AD. It's a fun song for sure.

  • its good to hear you are part of the "Old Content" did not get any of this ,but you played it whit your Usual Passion ! and as Doug sayed The CBG sounded Great ! Is there Trouble Whit the NING again ?

  • Thanks for the follow up.

  • Got your message about more glitches on this site. I've been talking to Ben about making the upgrade. The biggest risk is that when we update, it might delete old content. This is why we haven't made the decision yet.

  • Thanks Doug. It's definitely an uplifting song.

  • Not familiar with this one Kale, but I enjoyed it! That 4-string CBG sounds great. Great choice for this number. Happy Sunday!

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