Johnny Has Gone for a Soldier

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DB Custom Resonator with a Harrison Art Deco through a microcube.

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  • Beautyful. I could totally hear this on the soundtrack to a Ken Burns series on the American Revolution. One of his good ones, though; not the lame ones.

  • Thank you kindly.

    Might be the steel strings that's giving it a higher banjo kind of tone.  Might be what's keeping me from a certain sound I'm chasing with the slide too. For now I'm loving it the way it is. She sings out really well but a set of brass strings might be in her future.

  • This piece is just gorgeous.   That DB git and you sound great.   Huh.  It does sound great, but here it does not have a reso tone.  It sounds like some beautiful folk instrument.

  • absolutely beautiful!! meowww!!

  • Very true about the traditional tunes. When I try to compose anything original I think about what is it that makes some of these tunes last for 200 years - or even 50 years like Beatles or Rolling Stones songs.Don't really have the answer to that but it's something to think about. And anything that helps with scales and doesn't feel like drudgery is a good thing!

  • Thank you kind folks. 

    Haven't found a sound I like using the slide with this guitar (yet) but for finger style and sound it's a total dream. 

    Yeah Jim, when the improv tunes aren't flowing it's time for covers. Those old traditional tunes lend themselves so well to a CB instrument. They help me with learning scales too.  

  • That's beautiful,man! That's how you find your way out of ruts.

  • 305866287?profile=RESIZE_180x180305866287?profile=RESIZE_180x180305866287?profile=RESIZE_180x180305866287?profile=RESIZE_180x180305866287?profile=RESIZE_180x180

                                                                                great sound !!!

  • Nice playing!!!!!The Guitar sounds great!!!!!

  • That's a really lovely sound that you're getting. Nice job.

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