John Lee Hooker - Hobo blues

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  • Masterful!

  • Thanks anonymous pick for the information, I deleted advertisements. 

  • Don’t know anything about the link stuff but I sure like the music relic. I get most of my video music entertainment from YouTube and Nation. Thanks for the music Mike!

  • Hi there Pick ! Thanks for clearing that up,i got so manny spam that my filters are overloaded, and thanks for the nitty of the gritty for evoiding it next time You are a great Pal thanks ! And Mike i love John Lee sorry if you where offended, but you can not be to carrefull these day's, the video is well known by most of us ,Facebook Ye ,mmmmmm a well, be reading you !!

  • I understand your concerns Andries , of spam etc ..  but what Mike was doing was just sharing a youtube video  jem with Ben  (and others  that are into the hobo cbg theme at the moment,   a big thing on the CBN Facebook page  right now . But  When  the youtube video is uploaded , unfortunately , so  are  the first few lines  or comments  or links from that  you-tube page .  This is not Mikes Video or  comments  or internal links .  . it is the original  youtube posters  content .  it just gets transferred  when you upload it from youtube . it was not intentional.

    Mike , there  is a way  to avoid the confusion . when you upload a youtube video  , you can " edit"  it  after  it transfers here . and   backspace delete  the few lines of  text  that came with it .. even  input your own .  , then they wont show up ,...on the cbn page anyway . 

    you can still delete the comments by going  top right of the cbn video  ,  click options , click edit .  then remove the text .  ;-)

    Andries  meant well by  trying to  protect the site , 

    Mike meant well trying  to share a  relevant   rare video gem .

    neither were wrong ,  just a misunderstanding .


  • No I didn't set up anything, only shared the link off of Youtube.  I live in Southwest Missouri and not Poland, nor do I own any apartments -- anywhere.  In fact, I didn't add any of the comments under this video either.  So unless you can tell me how to get rid of the comments, then I would recommend that everyone just ignore them and enjoy the video. 

  • You set up a link up above about appartments in Lubin Poland!   whats whit that ? any relation whit the John lee hooker video?

  • I don't know anything about the links, and yes I did post it from Youtube -- because I didn't know how to get the facebook video to play here.  Anyways, I posted it because of the song and nothing else.

  • Why the bullshit link? and a Youtube Video?

  • Good one!

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