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Black Cohiba CBG.....The unofficial Europe debate...?!?!

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  • Oh, I thought you were talking about belly buttons.  

  • image-gbp-usd-09-08-2015.jpg

  • Dani.. i'm yet to pay for a sofa in all my years of my life lol

    So far its all been free like most of my furniture!

    But It sure is one crazy place we live.

    Jim yes I think so, but gone are they days we could buy your base Harley's fro 5k in the UK 

    I been kicking myself ever since! 

  • Does all this mean I can now afford a ChickenBone John or Shane Wagstaff git?

    It's still no comfort that you guys have probs like we do. 

  • We make loads! Here's a list:
    A load of litter on our streets. Just visit Germany to see a comparison.

    We make corrupt bankers blameless and don't hold them to account.

    We make our steel industry struggle by giving importing steel companies subsidies.

    We make a pretence that the NHS can carry on forever.

    We make childless couples wait years for adoptions to finalise while parentless children sit in a care system that has been shamelessly proven to fail at caring for and protecting them.

    We make a mess over diminishing our armed forces right when we need them most to fight new and existing evils.

    We're apparently in the middle of a housing crisis but think we can welcome the world's penniless. Not to mention that we make getting on the housing ladder next to impossible for working class people.

    I could go on but I think I've painted a picture for now.

    Oh and we make sofas. You just need to wait 12-16 weeks for delivery. No rush then.
  • "The pound hit its lowest level against the dollar in almost seven years "


  • Wow.. somebody actually got my

    Thanks Slow Blues Dani and Ol Grey Bear...I agree I think we need to be in (for trade), but in an out kinda way..

    I didn't think we actually make anything anymore as it all comes from China...

    except for fire engines a few CBGs.. ? 

  • Made me laugh lots. No adverts but they sure do love repeating stuff over and over!

    In or out? Load of tosh if you ask me. If Cameron was/is so worried about it then why the hell did he agree to a vote? Oh and do we REALLY believe that the Queen will sit by and let the people decide something that could potentially destroy her country's future. Tosh. I'm in anyway. Uncertainty over the period following an exit before other trade deals are organised is not something that this country can afford right now. The exit camp say we can still sell to Europe once we leave but who's to say the general European populous won't have a boycott of UK goods? After all, if we exit then we do so knowing that it adversely affects those in Europe. Can anyone say tit-for-tat?
    Conspiracy theorists of the world unite!
  • Not the way the pound is falling today..
    And share prices...
    You might soon be going there to save costs!
    You just might need a helicopter for trips to the free hospital..
    (Hang on don't we pay national insurance ) ;>0
  • It's all smoke 'n' mirrors ! 

    Ask a load of French, German, Italian and Spanish people what nationality they are.  See how many say 'European'.  Therein lies your problem with Europe.  Like communism, it's a great idea but the benefits are negated by human self-interest.

    So, out ........... unless my personal wealth is improved by staying in.  In which case, in ;-)

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