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Improvisation on my new electric cbg.

Views: 117
I've finally built a proper electric cbg using a tiesco pick-up from a guitar I bought from a builder clearing out some old shop in Hull for £3 many many years ago.Just messing around to see how it sounds.... very pleased with it.

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  • You should be pleased it sounds great. Nice one.
  • Hi Chris, again,

    just watched your video and wow it just blows me away ! What a cool riff & sound !

    I must learn to play like that ....someday !





  • sounds great, ya can't beat pluggin em in:0)
  • Yup, you've got a winner there for sure! ACES!
  • I saw the girl of my dreams in the arms of some Scotsmen from Hull...


    Very nice.  Those old Teisco pickups can make some great tone.  And the guitar looks great.

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