I Can't be satisfied

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I can't be satisfied on 3 string cigar box. Backing vocals - Parrot EdoMy Cigar Box Guitars and pickups for sale:http://www.mosquito-design.hr/cigar-box-guitars/orhttp://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/tarantula091/m.html?item=200843588325&pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item2ec335f2e5&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2562

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  • stay cool
  • good song smoothead
  • Smooth!
  • 5 crackers
  • It is amazing what music u can make from a stick and  a guitar box ,,, in the hands of a skilled musician!!

    Fabulously done!!!

  • I had to subscribe on youtube!
  • Fatty! All of it.
  • Very satisfying!   Good playing and especially warm bluesy vocals.  



  • Smoothead's sure got those blues........Edo's not quite there yet; he's got the greens......
  • great groove on that one... nice one:0) (the urge for parrot jokes is strong but i resist...)
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