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How to play standard guitar chords on 3 and 4-string instruments

Views: 181
Here's a video I did a while back, which some folks have found useful.

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  • Great video! To attract more players, this is really the way to go. Not everyone wants to play slide. Like Uncle John, I use DGB which gives more midrange. I can play solos using the same scales as a 6 string. Really a 4 string with DGBE would be best for soloing, but DGB has a very versatile chording, multi-voice system where you strum all 3 strings every time. I made videos explaining the chord system:

  • I finally got a chance to watch this video.

    Good info, thanks!

  • I have no idea what that is at the bottom of my reply...
  • Thanks for the replies. I just got back on the site.
    I'm using an iPad, so Eric's suggestion is most likely right.
    I guess I have to fire up the computer to watch.
    Stupid technology can't even cooperate with itself. How does it expect to take over the world? Humf.

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  • Hmmm. How hard would it be to host all CBN vids on YouTube, then simply create a CBN YouTube channel? Now with smokin' links!
  • Greg, videos hosted directly on CBN won't play on Android phones, tablets or iDevices.  The videos you can see are likely hosted on YouTube.

  • greg  - are  you  using google chrome  ?  or  ? 

  • I'd love to watch it, but nothing is showing. This happens with some of the videos. Can anyone tell me why?
  • Neat guitars and good info.  For chord charts, a person can even highlight the strings they use.   

    As for 3 strings, the GBE is too high of a sound for my taste.  I am a fan of DGB. 

  • Yup, useful info Ben!

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