How To Play Diddley Bo by Seasick Steve on the Diddley Bow
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You need to be a member of Cigar Box Nation to add comments!
Thanks very much Bob
Spot on Clarky. Great tutorial.
Cheers AGP and Dave
Nice Clarky. Diddleriffic. I like Unc’s in the Pines too.
Diddy Bow and Seasick Steve, a Good Combo Clarky!, Great Lesson, thanks for posting! :-)
Thanks Greg and Poorness Studios :)
Sweet! Another bow video from Clarky. It's a good tune and a good lesson.
Great lesson!
Thanks Uncle J. Ooh I like that song, didn't consider playing it though, thanks for the suggestion.
Low down and powerful. Man, that sounds right. I liked the part about tuning down by ear to match the record. I didn't start playing until internet days, but my friends talk about the old days of using the record player and needle over and over to hear and 'get' parts of a song.
Clarky, try "In The Pines" on your diddley.
Easy tab: 3 0 0 7 7 5 0 3 33 7 7 0 3 2 0
33 0 00 7 70 5 50 3 33 77 0 3 2 0