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Hot Rod (Rough) - Guzunderthebed Guitar

Views: 108
Following the project with Clock...and idea for a song came from the conversations on "old wheels vertigo mix"a song called ...Hot Rod!(How many other songs can I do that start with the word Hot!......?)

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  • Hot Pot!  Hot Pockets!

    I like the second one.  I'll have to give it a try.

  • Good one, Andy.   Clock, your next video?

  • Nice one.....makes me want to run to the toilet.........great idea.

  • nice one!!...the hot possibilities must be endless, but I'm not awake enough to think of any!!

  • Yeh like that, maybe try that one later!

  • "My momma used to sing me, 'Hot Cross Buns.' Clock, that had nothing to do with you."
                                                                                                           ---Uncle John

    "Oh mamma bakes them Hot Cross Buns,
    see how my tummy widens!
    Hot! Cross! Buns!
    Hot! Cross! Buns!
    Hot! Cross! Buns!
    Oh mamma don't stop baking them Hot Cross Buns,
    cause we're all gluttons!
    Hot! Cross! Buns!
    Hot! Cross! Buns!

    Hot! Cross! Buns!
     Oh how I wish I hadn't ate them Hot Cross Buns,
    cause now I got them runs!
    Hot! Cross! Buns!
    Hot! Cross! Buns!
     Hot! Cross! Buns!"
                                                 ---Clock & His Wolf

  • i really like this!!!! GET SOME BROTHA!!!!! GET SOME!!!!!!


  • Like your blues voice Mr. Chris.  Purty good hot rod song too.  

    My momma used to sing me, "Hot Cross Buns."   Clock, that had nothing to do with you.

  •    Hot damn!  Hot mama!  Hot!  tin! roof!  

       Hot damn!  Hot mama!  Hot!  tin!  roof! 

       Hot damn!  Hot mama!  Hot!  tin!  roof!

    (Sorry. Sleep deprivation... )

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