Homebrew Paris, Texas

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My version of Paris Texas, played on my CBG. Tuning is normal GDG.

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  • Yep, It is quite fun playing with the sound in these Pod's. I chose the pedal device because the I don't need to boot the PC. For recording though I have a PreSonus AudioBox 22 and that one seems to be doing some of the same as the pod6 ux2.

    And yes, I have seen the amp + Ipad thing. Looks cool, but I'm not a big fan of iPad and I like to go back to basic.
    So tomorrow I'm receiving parts to build a Fender Champ clone. As you know it's a 4-5 watt class A amp and I will start rocking with that one, but I think over time I'll miss reverb and tremolo, so I guess if I'm happy with the sound of the Champ I'll start building a Blackface Delux clone :-)

  • Yeh it sounds a bit like a swampwitch guitar, as they use them..too

    I think somewhere up in the ether is bugs sound for line pod 6..lol

    The line pod6 ux2 does twin channel stuff which is fun...I found the compressor and the gold vintage rack amp on it sounds kinda cool with some long reverbs.

    if you slow one of the double track line pod 6 reverbs down it gives a 3d sound.

    have you seen their new amp that uses the software on an Ipad...?   

  • The CBG I'm playing is build by Chickenbone John and it has a mini humbucker. That's a part of the sound too. I have a CBG with a single coil pickup too, and I can't get quite the same sound, because the single coil is brighter sounding, so for this I prefer the humbucker :-)

  • Sm57s are really good.
    I need some too
  • That's really interesting as some of my best recorded sounds
    Use similar line pod 6 and a bugera rat amp
    You have just given me an idea .
  • I'm planning to pick up a Shure SM57 mic, so I can start recording my amp instead :-)

  • None :-)

    In this I'm kind of cheating. I'm for my own sound using a Bugera V22 tube amp, but I have a Line 6 Pod HD500X in between and that Line 6 Pod is also connected directly to the PC. 
    So I'm recording directly from the Pod and the emulated set of amps and pedals in there. 
    But the sound coming out of the Bugera Tube Amp is 98% alike :-) I just get rid of noise from my chair and other wired stuff a mic would pick up :-)

    The emulated stuff from the Pod is something like :  Fender Blackface Delux parallel with a PhD Motorway and following pedals : Noice Gate, EQ, Stereo Delay, Plate Reverb . 


  • That's a very nice sound what's the amp you are using?
  • At some point I hope I can put another video on, an I like the comments - Thanks. Right now I'm starting my first build project in many years building a small tube amp. If I get the darn thing to work without killing my self, I'll put on a sound sample :-)

  • I can say the the same : Wow - Thanks :-)

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