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CBN,Clock and I have a lot of fun here and have made a lot of friends. This is a video tribute to you. If you are not in the song or vid~ we apologize. We wish you were here.Thanks to Clock for doing an amazing job on the video. He is so often generous in making special efforts in his comments on our videos and photos.Homebody Blues - GDg guitar.I could [I] go to Carolina and see Wes CarlPlay guitar on the beach, drink moonshine from the jaro.I could [IV] go down to Bama and visit [I] James.But [V] I aint got no money and [IV] I'm a home [I] body. (this line after each verse)I go to New York and spend time with E.D.Head up to Canada and pick with Pick.Eat Nova Scotia lobster with Darren Brown.I could go to UK and stay at Bug's House.Bemuzic, Jabes and old Slowpaw.Vinylhead, Merle, Shane and John.I could go to California and spend time with Clock,Drive up the coast, make our cbgs rockSee cousin Vinnie, up in Oregon.I got CBN friends all over the world.And I'd like to play and talk with them.But I aint got no money and I'm a homebody.
Great song and video, well done both of you!
Fantastic vid and Song!
Ted, I only have a picture of the Wallace Kemp Secret Decoder Ring, but I got the idea from Captain Jack.
Very nicely done John and Clock, great tune and a fine video. Thanks for thinking about us, that's what makes CBN unique...the people ...and keeps me coming back.
Duck, good job.!!! did you get that from your Wallace Kemp Secret decoder ring? This is really good info. This proves that he is using more then one encryption technique. We are already working with Ron's idea and are doing frame by frame stop footage on the video...that also looks very promising as well to find that,
The Kindest songs and videos that Friends write about others are the Best. They come from the Heart.!!! Thank you Uncle John and Clock for thinking of us and CBN for being here so we can have such Friends, and from around the's Awesome.!!!
I think that is 'Coo Coo cah Clock'. And Ron, I do see some barefoot guy walking backwards. I see something new each time I look. Has Clock got it so the darn video evolves and changes?
Something about "coo coo ca chew"?
Ron, good idea.!!!
we were able to get the get the words "walrus and eggmen" but we don't know who they mean. and the name "Paul" we are not sure who Paul he someone on CBN? Uncle John, I know you are sworn to secrecy, National CBN security. but we may need your help on this one.