Hey Shane, show me your Cigar Box Mandolin!

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Official website: http://shanespeal.com Shirts & slides at http://stubbyslide.com ***Thanks to Steven Francis who asked to see Shane's custom cigar box mandolin. It was built by Harry Harne of Crocbite Guitars. http://www.crocbiteguitars.com/

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  • Yes, Hans, this is strung with standard mandolin strings.  I haven't changed them in more than 3 years!

  • 306649201?profile=RESIZE_480x480

    Thanks for the idea to tune a mandolin to open G, Shane!

    I recently built one quite similar to the one you're playing and this makes it a lot easier to move from 4 string guitar to mandolin and back.

    I have a question though: Do you use a standard set of mandolin strings for this? My E-strings do not really sound good anymore since they became B strings... 

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