Helter skelter live - Bug's one man band - 991

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Odd thing CBG and 6v6 VHT 5w with Baby boom fuzz pedal alnico jensen speaker, birch cabinet Playing foot drums and CBG Bug's one man band live from buggy tow...

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  • Sounds good!

    F# requires a B harmonica for cross-harp

  • Thanks Jason in working on my set..
    Hoping to sort harps out next..
  • Sounds great Bug!!! :>)

  • Thanks Nancy Kat I've got a gig saturday and need
    More practice yikes!!
    As haven't sorted my harps keys yet

    Think I'm playing in a flat?!
    So for cross harp whats that a f sharp?
  • Wow Buggy just wow!!!!! Meeeowwwww^..^306477928?profile=original

  • 306477965?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

  • onemanband2.jpg

  • VintageOneManBand.jpg

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