Hash & Grits

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Corned beef hash, Hoochbobble Cbg, and cigar box amp for breakfast... if you don't like that, skip ahead to the 2:30 mark, where we kick the amp up to grit grindin' mode for a drive to a local marina! Because nothing helps work off a big breakfast like sitting on your butt looking at sailboats... >;-)

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  • Thank you Wes, and James, and Uncle John, and Jamie... and Scarecrow, I'll miss you most of all!

  • http://www.carandclassic.co.uk/car/C258480

    Morris marina


  • Johnny's in the basement, mixin up the medicine!

    Poem for clock

    Meand ma camera, drivib=n thru the toon, filmin everybody, as they go walkin 'roon

    Me and ma camera, wolf he's holdin tight, you should be drivin oan the left, but yer drivin oan the right

    Me and ma camera, but whers the purty  gills, ah see in ma newsagents, the twhole top shelf they fill

    Its fine and well this scenery, but what about a" piece of skirt", for that ah would n put on a suit

    And might even change ma shirt    LOL LOL LOL

    BTW , ma man, ah ahd a Morris Marina once, but your marina a bit bigger (Marina, aqaua marina; STINGRAY!!)


  • That hash looks like Alpo, but it tastes great.  I'd like a sunny side up egg on top of mine, please.    

    Hey, Clock, I like your nation photo and your driving skills seem much improved.

  • i love oak trees , dont worry about the cop, he's a little early if he's after you , nice breakfast and ride and tunes !!!


  • btw Clock - this guy says he may want a little chat about your driving....!! )-:




  • 305807466?profile=original

  • mmmm....time for breakfast! (-;

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