Happy New Bug Year

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Happy New Bug Year !!!....not to be opened till the new year.. LOL

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  • Thanks Steve, Maddog,Nancy Kat,Clock,RTZ,Smiling Dog, Uncle John, Dingly and Wes...

    (and everyone who has dropped off the page)

    Let's make 2013 a good one !

  • Happy New Year, Bug ! 

    Sorry I'm a bit late - been on the road. You know how it is !

    Thanks for all of the hints and advice in 2012 - maybe I'll put some of it into practice in the next 12 months !

  • Enjoyed Buggy Tunes all Year!! Lookin' forward to 2013 Meowwwza ^^305950497?profile=original 

  • Well I held off the temptation to play this early and it was worth the wait. Nice Bug!


  • cool pickin' there bug! happy noo year (-:

  • Aha Mr Clock where have you been?
    Welcome to 2013, the sun is shining here.....
    ....ooh my head.
  • Oops! 11:40PM...

  • Kind of a flashback there. happy New Year bug. and everyone.

  • Trying to have fun in an extremely quiet town. Wish I had loud speakers strung up around town to blast a tune at midnight. Happy New Year Bug!

  • Honkin in the new year.   Man, you sound like DEEtroit, Michigan, 1964.   GOOD!

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