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Hacker Amp Demo "Chicken Catcher Blues"

Views: 206
I've never tried to catch a chicken but imagine it is not easy - you nonchalantly happen by before making a grab, then in a flurry of claws and flapping feathers the dang bird gets away, mocking you from the roof of the coop...!The Hacker Sovereign II radio/amp was repaired and converted for guitar by Smojo, our very own electronics wizz kid, and I couldn't be happier with the sound - very rich and revealing, I used Punch 2 for the demo and for fun made up the musical piece almost on the fly, a usual Sunday morning noodle, though a few other builds i tried sounded pretty good. No effects - the sound you hear is true! The amp is very loud and breaks up nicely with increased volume, I will be making more songs with this I can see! (-:PLAY LOUD !Guitar Punch 2Amp - Hacker Sovereign II

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  • get down with yo bad self !! LIKE IT !!

  • You're most welcome, Sir! (-:

  • Finally got one of ma own, Steve LOL. BTW, got your CDS today, ta much, Need put on my MP3 soon, so can listen on move etc :)

  • cheers Texy - pleased you found it so eggsciting...owwcch! (-;

  • After too long, they got hens for eggs. And I'm sure some soup too.
  • Cheers guys! - ED did the Italians get soup, eggs, or nothin'...? (-;

  • Yeah, I've caught many a chicken.  How else you gonna make soup?

    I remember we sold a bunch of old hens to an Italian family that had moved up to the country from NYC.  They were running around the coop trying to catch them screaming "Son ova beecha!"

    Anyway, I like it. Nicely done.  :)

  • That is a really good sounding (radio) amp Steve. I'm not surprised you are pleased.

  • Thanks Be!, Ta Clock, Peq, Paul, Jimmy, Oily - you got it nailed mate...! (-; cheers UJ (-:

  • Sounding good Steve.  Those chickens are scary.

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