Thanks guys! I found the right guy, just messed up his name and song title. Other than that perfect. Thanks Pick, that’s a very unique song indeed! Your Witch is awesome! Broke a string already, tuning to high! Got to really crank it for a G. I guess I have to stop playing in high heels! Not a problem ever Nancy, I saw the cat head within minutes, I knew then!
Thanks Pick whew I guess its been that long....sorry Richard for the James goose hunt... Pick is the go to guy happy he put you on to James....;) Meow^..^
A search here at the Nation brings up 788 names! But the one that stands out is James from Birmingham, Al. He did this Kat-Kat reissue Song, right? That was creative and amazing, and funny! If I have the right guy, his great music would make unsuspecting kiddies jump! Thanks Nancy, he has a bunch of videos I’ll have fun checking out!
Hee hee .... I did that with James a great guy who use to be on here...loved to pull up to kids and blast him from my car stereo see if you can find him if you have not already......:) Mew^..^
An honor, thank you Nancy! You’ll never miss a call because everyone in the store will have the look “answer your phone, please”! Ha! One of the best compliments every, thank you so much.
Your comments are fantastic Nancy! Thank you so much! I’m honored to have earned a Golden Witch Hat Award, I’m officially a Swampy. I can’t stop looking at the groovin’ cat competing in a dance marathon. That’s a funny video! I see you out there with the virtual lighter, your the one in the chocolate hat! You made my day, thanks again for the kind words and and great pictures!
Thanks Pick whew I guess its been that long....sorry Richard for the James goose hunt... Pick is the go to guy happy he put you on to James....;) Meow^..^
An assist , if i may . i give you the "James "in question.
and more of James
Hee hee .... I did that with James a great guy who use to be on here...loved to pull up to kids and blast him from my car stereo see if you can find him if you have not already......:) Mew^..^