Four of sacred circles // Stepan Axman 2023 //

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Hi everyone - check out my music video with CBG used in world music kind of vibe.I do play on my Cigar Box guitar main rhythm line + sing the vocal. My friends plays a piano (on the right) and el. guitar (on the left).You can check my other music here, it is all composed for cigarbox guitar: .Thanks for watching, and You can visit my YT channel as well:

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  • Gentlemen, thank You all very much indeed.. I know my music is not the common genre on this nice website and is really nice to read Your feedback.

  • Very arty and pretty to the eyes and ears.   I like it.

  • Got a fine vibe going on Axman , fire ,Air, earth, water !10970091891?profile=RESIZE_710x

  • Nice video 

  • I like that you went as far as you did with the imagery & visual effects, it’s like a mini movie, thanx for sharing :)
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