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Forgiveness by Snuffy Smith

Views: 78
And another one...been working on this since July. I'm still sloppy. It's not perfect by any means. Anyway, FORGIVENESS is something we all need to give and receive. Pass it on...

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  • Thanks guys!

    Weird. I'm on a Mac, and it's working on my end. Oddly enough, it is compressing my video here on CBN (squeezing it vertically). I don't know if I can reconnect the link to YouTube now. I'll try and do that from now on out though. Here's a link to the YouTube video though:

  • What Ron said, Apple here to.
  • I have to do that youtube thing for some folks to view mine.

  • Snuff, can't see your vids (a known prob on Apple devices & this wonky Ning platform). Try loading them to YouTube first, then using the "Add from YouTube" link at the bottom left of the Add Videos link on you CBN Profile page. You can then copy / Embed the YT link, and all should be able to enjoy you progress.
  • Yup.  As Jim said.  Yup on forgiveness too. 

  • Another good one man! Your playing is advancing quite quickly.

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