⭐FIVE STRINGS CBG !! ! The Pickwick Update ⭐

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Upgraded the Pickwick everyone!!! Now even more magic!!! Stay tuned..... p.x.: You can follow me (again!) on Instagram. http://www.instagram.com/paul_terl

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  • Nice one! like to hear her sound too 

  • Thanx Poorness Studio!!!...

    Have a great day!!

  • Looks nice. Well designed.

  • YEP!, I'm with Unc, apart from building the things, I too am always upgrading previous builds. :-)

  • Thanx Uncle John!!!


  • To Dave Lynas : This Pickwick box was a box for Pickwick tea bags.

  • Thanx Dave Lynas !!


    Have a good day

  • I enjoy upgrading or improving a build.  Maybe not right after it is done, but later on.  Nice one, Paul.

  • Nice upgrade PauL . Love to hear her Play. In Duluth Minn. there’s an old famous restaurant named Pickwick. I wonder if the box has something to do with that? Great idea to make double corses for the treble strings. 

  • Thanx to everyone that enjoyed the first video on this cbg.

    (Cannot thanx everyone personally cause in my tablet this site does not work very well...)

    Here the upgrade of this model.

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