Dollywood Mini Banjo

Views: 81
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Mini banjo built for Brad Hudson, Musician at Wildwood Grove theme park at Dollywood in memory of his father.

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  • To clear up some confusion , for those of you here to see the grand prize winner . This  was his actual entry here  where he  goes into more detail about the build .  The confusion happened when he also listed a demo a video on this  "dolly"  banjo shortly after .


  • To clear up some confusion , for those of you here to see the grand prize winner . This  was his actual entry here  where he  goes into more detail about the build .  The confusion happened when he also listed a demo a video on this  "dolly"  banjo shortly after .



  • Marvin, Congrats on being the grand prize winner of the banjo build off.

  • That's a beautiful instrument.

  • hella wow !

  • Wow!   I was looking at the pictures of your "Lisa Ann" on the Banjo Hangout this morning.  Great work.  

  • Yup.  Master builder/luthier and a darned good player.

  • Such a master builder ! Wow !

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