Descent into hell by DELBARJO

Views: 105
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Petite impro musicale !!!!! avec mes amis psykito a la batteuse et lolo a l'harmo !! remerciement a mon ami janne ( hobo63 ) pour le delbarjo modèle cigar bo...

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  • You should be selling that stuff on I-Tunes - your "READY"!!!
  •  Del is indeed Super Fantastic!! Nice posting Janne~~~Mewwowwwwww^^306143986?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

  • Help me, I'm sinkin' down!

  • n i c e !

  • Slow sway good.

  • Rocks.!!!

  • 306144335?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

  • KEWL!!!

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