Demo of my 4 string cigar box guitar built by StumbleCol

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Here's a little demo of the 4 string cigar box guitar that Col of StumbleCol built for me. Apologies for the wobbly playing. If you would like to find out how Col put this one together you should pay a visit to

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  • Great sound, great video. Thanks

  • A man's gottah have his priorities.  Glad to see you have yours in-line.

  • Thanks Kidd & Hank - 

    I'm trying to minimise distractions so that I can focus more upon the important things in life....

    playing cigar box guitars :)

  • Most excellent! It makes my feet move just to hear it!

  • Tone;

    Good to see you back on the nation with yet another awesome video and playing.  I loved it.  That riff is great and you really lay it down!!!  Can't wait for your next one.


  • Thanks for the feedback people - much appreciated.

    Kev - This one's tuned G-G-B-D.

  • Nice one Tone..What's the tuning?

  • I really like how you just sit down and start in without keeping us waiting. Those long "gettin' set up" delays, dead air, and endless intros diminish a lot of otherwise excellent videos and playing. Very professional! And much appreciated.
  • I followed the stages of its making with interest. Now it's great to hear it. I'm not aware of any wobbles in the playing. Sounds just great to me.

  • very nice!

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