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"Death Penalty" new song by Slowpaw Steve TThe movie "Hang em High" made a big impression on me back in 1968, especially the famous multiple hanging scene - a bright sunny day, folks gathered singing hymns, it was much the same in Europe at the time, at London's Tyburn Tree by Hyde Park Corner people would gather to have a picnic and watch the hangings. You could get hanged for the most insignificant crimes then, tough justice for a downtrodden population including deportation. Hanging was finally abolished in England in 1964.The song is the first of nine new songs going on my new album "Folk of Oak" out in 2014. (-:Guitar - PerfectoBass - Violin BassDrums - Roland TD-12BABY, STOP CRYIN' ALL THE TIMEDARLIN' I'M HANGIN' FOR MY CRIMEOHH BABY DON'T YOU WEEPWHEN YOU SMILE YOU LOOK SO SWEETLET ME WHISPER IN YOUR EARAN' BABY....REMEMBER WHAT WE HELD MOST DEARTOMORROW, I'LL SAY MY LAST GOODBYEDARLIN' OUR LOVE WE CAN'T DENYALL OUR DREAMS EW LOVED TO SHARE,WILL ONLY HAPPEN IF YOU CAREYOU CAN MAKE IT ON YOUR OWNAN' BABY.....DON'T LOOK BACK YOU'RE ALMOST GROWN.BABY, STOP CRYIN' ALL THE TIMEDARLIN' I'M HANGIN' FOR MY CRIMEOHH BABY DRY YOUR EYESSTOP BELIEVIN' ALL THOSE LIESLET ME WHISPER IN YOUR EARAN' BABY....REMEMBER WHAT WE HELD MOST DEARBABY, IT'S TIME FOR YOU TO GODARLIN' LET ME SPEND THE NIGHT ALONEDRY YOUR EYES NOW IT'S TOO LATEFOR THE LAW TO CHANGE MY FATEWHEN IT'S TIME FOR ME TO DIEBABY....YOU CAN'T SAY WE NEVER TRIED.OOOH BABYTHERE AIN'T A WOMAN WHO COMES CLOSE TO YOUWHEN IT'S TIME FOR ME TO DIEOH BABY.....YOU CAN'T SAY WE NEVER TRIED.From forthcoming album "Folk of Oak"Music Copyright Steve Trowbridge Oct.2013

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  • Many thanks guys! another new Slowpaw happy tune coming next week (-:

  • Nice Steve! Great composition and played/sung so well!

    Love this movie too!

  • Slowpaw goodness


  • Great stuff steve,here some stones in there, but you can say that you have tryed,  Oak um ! greeetszzA.D.

  • If anyone remembers the Rolling Stones trib. album i did a version of "Angie" using this tune, i took it a step further and changed...well, most of the lyrics, but left in a few i couldn't bear to leave out! (-:

  • Great lyrics, performance and recording Steve.  Nice one !

  • great tracks steve.My town square just has a lousy skatepark

  • PUSH  PLAY  ;-)


  • many thanks boys! hoping to play one or two new songs at Boxstock open mic. if i can get 'em in! (-:

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