Death letter blues ( almost alive)

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Bug's one Bug band live practice, foot drums cbg with bass string, sydel big six harp harp on mic stand,blues driver, alnico speaker, valve amp head..

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  • Classic tune! Excellent playin'

  • YEP YEP YEP! Rockin'!


  • Deathbuggybluezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.......………………………………

  • That's a Rockin' Little Number, I Like it !!!

  • good stuff; one Bug band, sound s very cool

  • Thanks Andries.. I think I have one somewhere, they feedback a bit when live tho, sm58 better for live work.. 

  • Maybee one of th kiddy Mic's whit echo , the real thing is pritty pricy, great ending There BUGGO!

  • Pick of course they would charge it lol
    Quintessential English for ya
  • Thanks Chaps... Still trying to crack the sound
    Recorded on a phone at 30degree about 6 foot away
    With added reverb..
    I really want to try a ribbon mic ans valve preamp
    Hanging from the middle like the old days..
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