Daddy Long Les Canjos (One-StringGuitars) For Sale

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£35 buys you the canjo, the sheet music to at least ten tunes (probably more!) and a tutorial video to go with each one. Take a look!! Great fun for kids of ...

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  • Consider your building idea stolen by me.  I have build one stringers for about 5 year now and keep refining the design to make them easier and quicker to build.  This year at the Maker Faire I sold 5 for $25 each, but the time to build them was toooooo high.  The profits go to the Ukes For Schools charity, so I like to keep my building time down.  I'll post pics of my old design and the one I adapted from your idea when I get it worked out.  I can't play worth a S---, so I always watch your vids and dream.  THANKS

  • Thanks everyone. Merry Christmas and a healthy new year to all!!
  • Bargain! Sure sounds a whole, huge heap better than the one I tried to make for myself. Thanks for sharing and Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  • Fun Daddy. Love the simplicity and affordability. A kid magnate.
  • Original idea to use the box as you normally use the can by removing the bridge. simple efficient and accurate work a treat for eyes and ears.

  • Wonderful stuff Les! Merry Christmas and and thanks to one of your vids from months ago I figured out how to play my 3 string in minor keys like on my What Child Is This video.

  • Sounds like a bargain.  Great to include the ten songs.   

    I made one of those and the poor thing sits in the shop.  I should get it out and learn to play it better.   Merry Christmas,  Les. 

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