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Views: 121
Written by Roy and Joe Melson.RTZ4resI watch my cartoon vids with the little ones sometimes and thought this had a music box sound. This is for the little ones that still dream.

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  • Thanks folks, I said above this is for the kids but I am a big Roy fan.

  • Wow RTZ, you nailed this song.

  • Cute vid Rtzy and nice to hear a Roy~O song!!! Meowwwwww^^306252744?profile=original

  • Thanks Steve, what could be next Anne Murray  the Nova Scotia song bird or Neil Diamond .

  • lovely song beautifully sung RTZ, you the voice...! (-:

  • Thanks Steve, 3 and 4 string are a hassle like uke and mando.

  • good stuff RTZ..................

  • Thanks James, I need to put bigger strings on it and play some slide.

  • nice work !!! sounds great !!!

  • Nope. Roy was one of a kind. But like Randy used to say on American Idol "you made that song your own Dawg!" And that's a good thing.

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