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cow skull sound

Views: 265
Sound check for Cow Skull Guit. You wanted it now you can hear it!

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  • cow abunga dude
  • I think I have mad cow disease, and Im ok with it
  • Bravo, What a crazy looking guitar. Sounds great man. Where's the pickup in that thing? Got any more wild guitars like that? If so sure would like to see and hear them. Keep up the good work brother.
  • Do you have any build pics? I have a sweet buffalo skull...
  • Stunning! Tha' old cow would be proud, yep :o)
  • Thats unreal! Good job!
  • more cowbell,,, har har har! LOL Nice tone to ol bessy.
  • It just needs more COWBELL!!!!
  • Neat. Sounds good. You know there is an old saying, Today, I eat the cow, someday the cow will eat me...this situation kind of puts a strange twist into it. Serious juju playing a cow skull guitar...I have a Schoen guitar. The builder, Kurt used a piece of oak flooring to make the biscuit bridge for the cone resonator. The flooring came from a local slaughter house. An actual piece of "The Killing Floor". Yikes! Enjoy.
  • wow sounds and looks great...
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