Cookie tin diddlybo

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I have nothing to say about this video.... But I really want to see someone playing eruption on one of these.

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  • Good job!  Cool little bo.   Actually sounds pretty good and you've got the playing off to a good start.

  • @Jim, Yup, first build, thanks, I'm getting a cigar box finally this monday, I think I'll probably do something a bit less primitive.

    @ anonymous, Whoa. I can die now. that was a VERY short bucket list.

    @BUG Thanks a lot, I'll see if I can do those. I get the rest of it, but why the scrunched up bags? :o 

  • Okaydoke!

  • Try a taller bridge piece on top of the lid top like a old hex bolt and nut.. 

    maybe an eyelet or a tie wrap to hold down the string on the tuning peg, or a rubber band as a temporary measure....looking cool...

    a £1.49 maplin piezo and jack socket if you need to electrify it too.. good luck..

  • scrunched (I mean)...

  • Good stuff... also try filling the tin with crunched loose carrier bags....

  • great    tin  guit  btw  ;-)

  • :-D

  • humm    eruption  on  a  one stringer    ..   never tried it  ,  but  i've  done  similar  . 

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  • First build Max? If so then you've definitely got the right idea. And it doesn't sound like crap - it sounds like what it is! And that's a good thing.

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