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Confessional Soundcheck

Views: 231
Finally got some video of one of my guitars in action. This one is unplugged. Enjoy....

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  • The Confessional sounds f'n awesome, man. great acoustic sound!
  • dig the gitter and the riffage!
  • Not to mention HB playing this thing, i look forward the pictures he will come up with.
  • thank  god i seen and heard i,m gonna get off my knees now
  • damn-I'm even excited about the case!

    heh heh-had to laugh about the expanding foam bit-I had visions of you spraying it in and it expanding all over your workshop, with you fighting to make it to the door-"gotta..get out..cough..too die..."   or maybe I've just watched too many sixties trash movies...The Blob....It came from Planet

  • He had about 10 mins prep time with each guitar, my Chickenhead Reso was also filmed, and has almost no experience using a slide! I've seen him playing my guitars much better, I only wish I has the camera available then.

    The case, well, why don't I hold off on that until the thing is delivered, I wanna have at least one surprise left for 'ol Mr. Hollowbelly ya know. If you look at my pictures there should be a picture of a style of case I make using 1/2in. Baltic Birch Ply for the sides and 1/4in BB for the top and back. Glue it, nail it all off and then run it through a table saw to open the case up. I tried using expandable spray foam for a nice tight fit, but it was a disaster. Better off using various thicknesses of foam and spray adhesive. It sucks making cases, but in the long run it's better so that these instruments can be passed on to future generations. I get my hardware from Rockler Woodworking Supplies, but it can be found cheaper on line.

  • Yeah eric, I wish I could get him to do a couple demo's for me. I'm learning but I'm just not as musically inclined as I'd like to be. But I love to make a little noise. I want to see that case. I'm doing quite a few custom order builds and people are wanting cases, seems like that could be as much work as building the guitar. Was wondering if there is any place a man could order some nice factory type cases for the serious giggers that do alot of travel with their g-tars. Anyway bro, keep up the good work.  
  • Yep, it's pretty cool! Couldn't find the right size steamer trunk to alter so i went and made one of them too! :)
  • its me I stalking you? I bet even the case is I right? I'm right arent I?
  • Smokestack, believe me brother, I have been enjoying the heck outta this thing, but it must fly across the pond soon! Fly my pretty!

    John, thanks and a little (un) and (in):>) He was using one of my Codfish ear bone pics which are kinda unruly!

    HB, me thinks so too. Wait 'til you see the case for it. Proper case for a proper CBG!

    Tony, makes me smile too. He's a great kid, I built him a three stringer in recognition of him getting his doctrate at UC Berkley, it was the VSG build in my pics. He's classically trained by Pepe Romero and can literally pic up any instrument and dominate it. He's played guitar, bass and drums in many bands, sometimes three at a time, bands that is! It's been difficult pinning him down to put together some vids for me but it finally happened.

    Steve, Wes and NightOwl, thanks, means a heap to me! :>)

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