Completely missing the point again 20p toy guitar

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"No more"... I hear you say!!! Just had to record one more, on this 5 string plastic guitar.. "Cold Winter is a coming".....BUG episode 6 coming soon.....

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  • who says no more? who says no more? please keep playing this plastic guitar, this is great toy music!

  • OH NOOOOO Winter already Buggy! love this little ditty hard to believe it's a toy guit!  Meowowowww ^^305904234?profile=original

  • Fat women wi fat kids, puttin slim PLASTIC cards into machine at Tescos, holdin up queue, whilst ah hold ma five pound note, for Birds Eye waffles, and a few cans of beer. PLASTIC surgeons nip and tuck, on "already beautiful"  film stars  that would not give me the time ; PLASTIC music attacks ma ears, from lifts, malls etc etc. But BUG, you have made me slightly  revise ma view of plastic. That is THE BEST compliment ah can give ya , ma man!  :)

  • 2 bass strings 3 lead strings that works.
    First toy guitar with tuners that work!

    Thanks guys
    I must go back to building them!
  • That sound like a plastic guitar Where is my sled.. and mittens

  • Anders I'm sure it would ,just use a slide
    Otherwise it's unplayable.
    Thanks guys and sorry for the non CBG content
  • Like it! (-:

  • Like Wes Carl's comment!    Winter?   NOOOOOoooooooo.    Good groove going, Bug.

  • Thanks James and Clock , one of my holiday finds
    and the bits for ma 2 string stick in a box...
    Always lookin me....but LOW has magic glasses
    and I need some too!
  • Thanks yeh meant to take it to the BBQ
    Think steve wanted a go .....ha ha
    This was acoustically with a bit of reverb on the mic
    The necks like a plastic banana!
    As it has steels on!
    But it keeps tune but not when the sun shines on it!!!
    Copper pipe off cut slide..
    One take wonder!
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