Cohiba Cigar Box Amp Demo

Views: 229
Get Embed Code can get the amp module I used here a video about the Cigar Box Guitar I'm playing go here

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  • thanks Nancy : -)

  • Very nicely done Be~~like the song sweet tune~~~Meowwww^^306147897?profile=original

  • yeah, you're right,you can get amps so cheaply these days it's hard to make money selling them..

  • That is a really nice kit. had to go check the site.

    And your right about making money building amps, I would need to get $150 for a hand built Amp that just has volume and gain and you can get a Mustang Mini for $99. 1 of a kind is a selling point.

  • cool, yep it's very easy : -)

  • Thanks Be. I went to that link for the amp module and I might be able to handle that!

  • thanks John, yeah soldering is definitely not my favourite thing, bloody fiddly! That bit I played might turn into a song....

  • Nice matched set, Be.   I like those speaker holes.   All wired up is GOOD.   I don't like doing those tiny solders.

    Wow!  Sounds great.   That was a really nice and bluesy instrumental, the first one.

  • thanks Jim,Clock and Rtz - Jim you don't need to know anything about electronics to do one of these, just how to drill holes, lol!

  • Red Dot amp cool !!!    that does sound great  and have a lot of features.

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