Cigarbox video crimes

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Bugs one man band skating on cbn video crimesR16 recorder internal condesors as boundary mics, sm58 vocal,sm57 cab,suparlux snare,sure 56 bass,audacity processing each channelreverb added to vocals and harp. volume turned down on harp.Does anyone know how to select and cut and paste audacity wav files?As i cant figure this out. (I recon the sound is better than Acid pro ) Wav file used in video rather than Mp3 file.MP4 hd video mix downPlaying with Hue and Saturation on video setting levels to get cool coloured effects.Plan to try 2 mics on cab next timeReptile cbg with bass string added, fender vapouriser 2x10 amp, foot drums and sydell big six harp on mic arm brackettwo single double foot pedals heel and toecymbal to back of drum `1930 style being hit by tie cluster wraps on beater armthis is the set up: anyone solved micing up a similar harp and vocal position as this is still an issue for me?as harp too loud.

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  • Thanks Nancy ...I think I still have mine..

  • I'm working on it Shane...there are so many technical issue and hurdeled to solve, but I keep breaking them down slowly... check my latest vid 18min band practice!.. good job everyone turned up for it!

  • 306450858?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

  • 306450720?profile=originalWay to kick it up Buggy!!!!!! Meowwwwwwwzers^..^

  • Lol goody 2 shoes.. ;>)
    Anyone a left handed player slowpaw steve has a nice left hand cbg on eBay for sale
    Bargain price.!
  • I was  home reading the Bible with my momma.   I had nothing to do with it.

  • SelfreliantHorribleCaecilian.gif

  • Hey, I just realized this is a remake from 2012! Nice to hear the different ways to do a song. The 2012 version is kind of "Yellow Submarine - ish"  this one's "different"  Wait a minute, what's the rule on re making your own song? Never mind, the 3 year statute of limitations has passed.

  • Remain cheeky my friend!

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