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Cigar Box Harp

Views: 236

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  • Mr Random Writings,

    I hope to have the audio later this week.

    Thank you,

  • Afternoon Wes,

    Thank you for your comments.

  • Aftermoon Keri,

    I never thought of using a frame before on a guitar, thanks for the idea.

  • Beautiful instruement - look forward to hearing it
  • I look forward to hearing her. You know, that harp frame might be a good way to beef up a cigar box guitar and make it more guitar shaped, so the instrument sits better and higher. Not to mention improving it's aesthetic quality. Thanks for sharing. Enjoy.
  • Good Evening Henry,

    Your comment is very well received , Thank you.

    I will look into the Concrete Music Site as well.

    John Peña
  • LOVE THIS!!! Please join and post this on the CONCRETE MUSIC site! CHEERS! :-)
  • Keni,

    I am working on an audio file soon.

    The Box does give it a warm tone.

    Thank you,

    John Peña
  • Hello Darren,

    Thank you for your comment.

    John Peña
  • Looks great. Very inovative. What does she sound like? Thanks for sharing. Enjoy.
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